Water on Hajj - Image Bibliography
“Catbirdinoman”. a falaj at Birkat al Mouz in Oman. Photograph. Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry. <http://catbirdinoman.wordpress.com/category/middle-east/oman/birkat-al-mouz/>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Empereur, Jean-Yves. Cistern. Photograph. Alexandria Rediscovered. <http://www.touregypt.net/images/touregypt/cisterns1.jpg>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Filip Demuinck, Kristel Pardon. Untitled. Photograph. The Jiti Al Hajir region: resorts, yachts and mountains. < http://filipdemuinck-kristelpardon.blogspot.com/2011/12/jiti-al-hajir-region-resorts-yachts-and.html>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Hugh Mcleod/IRIN. Untitled. Water crisis in Damascus: worse than ever. Photograph. <http://viarecta.blogspot.com/2007/06/water-crisis-in-damscus-worse-than-ever.html>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Knego, Peter. Cisternal. Photograph. WIND STAR Trek, Part Two. <http://geekmecca.com/wind-star-trek-part-two/>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Lancaster, Brad. Cistern hatch and cistern below. Photograph. Cisterns of Old Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Photograph. <http://www.harvestingrainwater.com/2010/07/17/>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Lancaster, Brad. Madan Al Nuqrah. Photograph. Panoramio. <http://www.panoramio.com/photo/63162858>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Marmaris.org. Pamukkale. Photograph. Pamukkale. <http://www.marmaris.org/things-to-do/pamukkale/>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Meyerd. Hamah. Noria. Photograph. TrekEarth. <http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Middle_East/Syria/North/Hamah/Hamah/photo1360063.htm>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Molnar, Ann Marie. Vineyard. Photograph. Living By Design, Damanhur. <http://www.insidebainbridge.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/vineyard.jpgeyard.jpg>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Ophelia Celine, Ruediger John. Untitled. Photograph. Nilometer: Egypt Was Ruled From Here, Roda Island. <http://cairobserver.com/post/20715987823/nilometer-egypt-was-ruled-from-here#.UYm-47XOkph>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Ra’s al-‘Ain Springs. Ra’s al-‘Ain Springs. Photograph. <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ras_Al_Ain_Springs.jpg>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
“Someone”. Untitled. Photograph. Ibn Battuta’s Trip: Chapter 3 (continued). <http://ibnbattuta.berkeley.edu/3persia.html>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Svobodin, Igor. Israel. Aqueduct to Acre. The aqueduct was built by Suleiman Pasha in the years 1814–1815. Photograph. Panoramio. < http://www.panoramio.com/photo/75165330>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
TVK”. Untitled. Photograph. Tourist Tales. <http://www.trayle.org/2011_01_01_archive.html>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.
Uglyscot”. The Ushar Plant. Photograph. Abu Ushar. <http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/6afa9/22179c/>, accessed 04 Apr. 2013.